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Lend with Care - Channai

Posted on 30/04/2024 by Evolve


Channai is a 39 year old married man from Cambodia. He has two daughters aged 18 and 13 years old. The family live in the Bovel district of Battambang Province where he farms short term rice each year which is then sold to provide the family income. His older daughter is now also a farmer while the younger child still attends the local school.

Channai has been a farmer for over 20 years. He farms short term rice on his paddy field which is four hectares in size. With this variety of rice, he can get two harvests per year amounting to three tons of rice per hectare; all of his crops are then sold to a local middle man who buys direct from his farm. In the past he has always rented a tractor from a fellow villager at ploughing time and this has come at a cost of $50 (£40) per hectare on every occasion – amounting to tractor rental costs of $800 (£628) per year. To reduce these rental costs and also ensure that his fields are ploughed at the optimum time he has requested this 36 month loan to purchase his own walking tractor.

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